Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas with the Wilsons

Oh Christmas tree....Oh Christmas long will you be standing?? We went to Kim and Skoot's for Christmas last Friday. Since they are traveling this holiday we wanted to get in OUR Christmas before they left. Their tree is decorated with handmade ornaments that the boys have made over the years. It may be standing after the New Year since they are going to be busy most of their school break.
I like to see the boys loving each other
even though it didn't last very long :-(
Kim prepared some yummy spaghetti with garlic bread and lots of sweet goodies for dessert. Ever had a red velvet ball?? They are unusual ~ it was a first for me.
Buck's usual "grown up" snapshot
and Lisa was concentrating on
running a remote control car
Jakob got these stuffed animals at the Christmas parade and I just thought it was a cute picture that makes him look.....five?? I mean, look at that face...
Topher showed off his horns
Jakob showed off his "skills"?
After we ate we opened gifts. Everyone seemed pleased with what they got. Buck got a cool display case with fishing lures mounted inside (no photo available) which I thought would look great on the wall beside his duck and jack-a-lope but HE thought would look greater in his office.
The boys got caps to take
with them to Colorado
And then the Scrabble game began. You have to remember that we play a lot of Scrabble in our family ~ Jennifer has the score pad from games she and I played on different visits I've made to her house over the years. Buck likes to get in on a game from time to time but we adjust the rules and play "SPELL IT LIKE IT SOUNDS"
Topher whispering a word to
team mate Kim
They should have won but graciously allowed everyone one more turn after using all of their letters which enabled Lisa to use all of her letters and she ended up the victor.
"Buck" Scrabble is a totally different take on the game. We play the way a word sounds which is not necessarily the correct spelling. It is harder than it sounds and we laugh alot as people try to justify their word ~ use it in a sentence ~ what does it mean ~ that sort of thing.
two of my words?
vittailc (vital with a silent c)
which earned me not only triple score
but also 50 extra for using all of my letters!
and codhivers (cadavers)
And through it all
Skoot remained calm and relaxed.
Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

Aw...that looks like fun! Wish I could be in several places at once around this time of year:-) Jen

Eve Azalea said...


Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...