Monday, January 26, 2009

Monday Morning

Random photo of "Buck's Pizza" in Mobile
Buck went back to work today after a "talk" from me about not overdoing it, not lifting, not getting over tired. He has an appointment for an EKG and INR today just as a check-up.

Which leads me to today's question. Why is it that when you call a doctor's office they never answer? No matter what time of day I call the Clinic, I get a recording. And then you have to wait to hear back from them not knowing if they listened to your message! Buck has an appointment at 10 or 11. I wrote down 11 ~ he says 10. Now I have to drive to the office to ask them. If I call, it may be noon before I hear back and it would be too late for either of our times. (I win ~ it was 11)

As for me? I am off to see the wizard ~ gotta get back in the zone! I was doing well with my workout program and diet until we went to the hospital last week. Sitting around and doing nothing ? I gained 5 pounds!!!!

1 comment:

The Willenbrecht's said...

I wonder if Buck's Pizza is a good place to eat?

I know what you mean about Dr.'s offices not answering. I find the same is true for our insurance agent's office as well. Can't they sit around and wait for my call instead of me waiting for theirs?

Bummer on the weight gain. I am starting anew today as well. My plan? I am eating 400 calories for breakfast, lunch and supper and then a 300 calorie snack in the afternoon. I am doing 30 min. of cardio (of some kind) every day except Sunday and a Pilates video every other day. This is my plan. I'll let you know how it goes!

I love you.

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...