Monday, May 31, 2010

Sarah and Magra on the Farm

One of the reasons I went to Colorado in May was so I could go on a field trip with Sarah. I was honored that I was asked to come. There are two kindergarten teachers at Windsor Charter. I'm sorry I can't tell you her teacher's name . . . .something like Randazzio?
The children were divided into small
groups with a grown-up to watch them.
Our grown-up was Mrs. Jones.
The first thing they did was take a hayride.
This was a "teachers only" activity so I stood with the parents and chatted while Sarah's class took their ride. We were a little disappointed because we thought I would get to go along. Bummer!
Sarah waved good bye
along with the other children
she is such a cutie!
This young lady was our guide.
Her shirt is emblazoned with
"Farm Chick"
She was very patient with the class.
After a few preliminary remarks we made our way to the pen with the cows. Sarah wasn't so sure about getting close, yet.
The light colored cow is a new mother and the dark colored cow produces. . . .steak!! YUM! I'll take mine medium rare.

Still not sure about the whole getting too close thing. Sarah donned her jacket with hood ~ it was a chilly day. We were lucky that it didn't rain.
The goose and duck don't fly.
Not because they have their wings clipped
but because they are too fat!
No, they didn't put the children
in a pen.
They were looking at the chickens.
Everyone got excited when we got to the sheep and goats. They climbed on the fences and paid close attention to our guide. Earlier in the day each of them got a small "wad" of wool to take home. ( I know every one's mom was probably thrilled to find that in a pocket!)
One of the kids took a special liking to Sarah.
I think he was trying to nibble her buttons.
They got to see the ponies and horse but weren't allowed to ride them or pet them. I thought this was a cool shot of Sarah on the fence.
Sarah was very brave when
it came time to feed the sheep and goats.
They would eat out of your hand.
(Kind of slimy)
Sarah was very sweet and shared her
feed with a little girl that spilled hers.
The goat appreciated her generosity.
I totally enjoyed the day ~ of course the chance to get a hug was well worth the smell, the heat, and the noise.
I met some of Sarah's friends. Little girls always seem to wrap their arms around each other when they pose, don't they?
At the playground there was another group from a different school. The girls didn't mind ~ it was a see saw for goodness sake!
Looks like she is climbing with "no hands"!
There were bubbles to blow.
And chalk to draw with.
Sarah drew a hop - scotch
Then we had popsicles!
What a great group!
(Hey! How did that boy get in this shot?)
"Here's looking at you!"
This young "dude" said
he likes to eat his stick!
That's all folks!
It was a great day. I'm so glad I got to share it with Sarah. When she headed back to school, I went to the sitter's and picked up Claire. We had a little "one on one" time before we went to school and picked up Sarah.


The Willenbrecht's said...

Nice your label!

Teresa said...

Looks like you had a great trip ! Glad you got to go!
All the pictures were so cute !

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...