Friday, November 28, 2008

To shop or not to shop. . .

Mother ~ about to "get her grub on" :-)
This is the "turkey" I live with. LOL ~ You know I love you!
This is the turkey I roasted ~ BEFORE carving. (it was yummy)
I call this my "cooking" hair ~ up and out of the way so no strays fall in the casserole!
I am going shopping today ~ for groceries. I am not doing "combat" shopping at 5 a.m. If you are among the throngs that chose to go ~ more power to you. I have some of my gift shopping finished and did not see an ad for anything I wanted to fight for. I had a message from Aunt Doris,who is visiting her children in Indiana, and they left to shop at 3:30! Teresa called from Arkansas to say she was up at 4! Who are these people?!?!?!

We had a good Thanksgiving Day. Mother and Daddy came for lunch, Lisa got ALL of her laundry done, Kim and fam came over for dessert, and Buck got some rest. Lisa made it back to Mobile without a hitch. I'm just hoping she got up in time for work! The girl knows how to sleep! Jennifer and her family are in Lander, WY for the holiday. We spoke to the girls and her on the phone.

A special shout out to our son-in-law, Skoot, and my cousin, TB



Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...