Saturday, January 2, 2010

Does this NEED a title?

Sometimes sisters are friends. Sometimes they are strangers. My sisters and I are somewhere in between. We know we are family and most of the time act like it but there are things about each of us the others do NOT and truthfully probably don't want to know ;-) The next three photos feature Teresa ~ I'll have to get back to you with pics of Wanda. This is Teresa (the baby of the family) and she is my tattoo buddy. We have matching tats that show our sisterhood. Some would say she is the "favorite" and that would probably be true. . . . to some. I like to think each of us is SOMEBODY'S favorite.
Most of the time Teresa looks like she just
stepped out of the proverbial "bandbox".
This was her homage to Mother.
Mother is famous for her "pose"
(nice try but lack of "boobs"
makes this pose NOT QUITE as impressive)
In case you didn't already know, we have some wonderful grandchildren. Two boys/two girls making me Magra 50/50. I love being a grandmother and I must say our daughters and their husbands are great parents. Sometimes I just marvel at what great parents they are and what wonderful children they are raising. Babies are blessings and cuddly and cute but older grandchildren are more fun, I think, because they are real people with opinions and ideas all their own that have nothing to do with the next bottle or diaper change.
Not sure what Mother was telling Claire but
she seems to be listening intently.
Mother was THRILLED because Claire
usually won't sit in her lap.
Boys ~ creatures I'm learning more about every day. I know boys, I like them, but I had NO idea what raising one was like. They smell ~ they fart and think it is hilarious ~ they fight ~they love me (I play PS)
Topher and Jakob with their "kill"
What handsome young men they are!
Our four grandchildren get along quite well for boys and girls living so far away from each other. The boys are careful around the girls ~ not too rough. And the girls would probably try anything they suggested simply because if the boys can do it why NOT?
Youthful abandonment in the leaves.
A celebration of sorts.
I know more about girls ~ they will sit and read or color or do a craft. They may "toot" but it isn't as funny, they like to smell nice and get their hair and nails done. They love me even though MY hair is turning gray. Girls are mean also, just not physically. (beware the sister with a grudge)
Sarah and Claire are beautiful.
Sarah was happy to jump
in the leaves and laughed a lot that day.
Claire appears lost in thought
as she hugs her pup.
And on to other adventures.

1 comment:

The Willenbrecht's said...

I love that picture of Sarah! And the background!

Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...