Tuesday, January 5, 2010

This and That

Ahhhhh Olivia . . . .Wanda's four year old grand daughter. Can you see the mischief in that face? She "tested" the wax in Mother's candle that was sitting on a warmer. What do you think she is up to in this photo??
That's Claire in the "pillow fort", Sarah, Jakob, Topher, and Olivia. Not sure what they were watching on TV but LOOK they are all still!
Sarah is an artist. She is in kindergarten and loves crafts, writing stories (even though we aren't always sure what they say) and coloring.
Had to get one photo of Lisa in here
(this one's for you Caroline)
This is Lilly ~ Wanda's middle grand daughter. She is an ice skater and Claire is her number one fan. They'd never met until Daddy's funeral but bonded immediately.
Jakob is ten and wants to be a teenager SOOOOOO bad.
These three girls got to know each other recently. They are Hannah (Will's fiance's daughter), Sarah and Claire. They played Barbies and 'restaurant' (until Hannah fired them) and just had a good time together.
How do you resist posting a cute photo like this? Claire was fresh out of the tub and Jennifer was snuggling her in a hooded towel. Nothing smells sweeter than a grandchild all nice and clean.
These "gentlemen" are Micheal Wells and Archie Best ~ they are brothers-in-law. Archie is Wanda's son. We don't see them often so enjoy this photo. Archie is Lilly's dad.
I took this one on the way to church. Buck was driving and Jennifer was sitting behind me. I sort of held the camera up and snapped without really being sure I was going to get a photo. She's a cutie, yes?
So, that is the last of my recent photos for a while I think. I am going to try and scan a couple of black and white ones onto the computer for sharing. Of course if we get a BIG snow or some other extraordinary occurance ~ I'll be back with pics.
2010 ~ wow!

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...