Wednesday, October 28, 2009


While I'm away Buck has been taking care of the "herd". Lisa sent me this picture of him with all the dogs gathered around waiting for words of wisdom? (or MAYBE a dog treat??)

On the drive out I saw snow on either side of the road. Wasn't sure if there would be any when I got to Jennifer's. There wasn't . . . .that day.
On a cold night it is always nice to have someone to snuggle with. Claire wasn't interested in snuggling but she did announce her mom and dad were "getting married" when she spied them kissing in the kitchen. She saw Cinderella and Prince Charming get married and THEY kissed. The logic of a three year old.
So - it started snowing last night, like I said, and today it hasn't stopped. This is a shot of Jennifer's front yard. They say it will keep coming tonight. We went shopping today and I drove. Haven't forgotten how to drive in snow, thank goodness.

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Veteran’s Day in America Buck and Chuck were Navy Seabees,  Their dad was Navy Fleet.  Apparently VERY different.  Had to get some work done...